Deep Thoughts

for Country Music's Academy Awards Night
by Steven H. Cullinane on April 22, 1998

  1. "I will buy the House of Lycus
    For my house in town." -- Zero Mostel
  2. "Only connect." -- E. M. Forster
  3. "The Craft" (1996) -- A "surprisingly witty, intelligent movie" -- Leonard Maltin
  4. "The Craftsman" -- a brief meditation on the work of Nick Tosches (Hellfire) and of Robert Duvall, p. 320, Vanity Fair magazine, April 1998
  5. "School auction Item #29 -- A Bite of the Big Apple"
    -- Christopher Buckley, The New Yorker magazine, April 6, 1998 endpaper
  6. "Badge 373" -- Robert Duvall's 1973 take on The Big Apple
  7. "373" -- New York State Lottery winner, 5/10 1996
  8. "007-373" -- USPS publication no. of CENSORED magazine, 801 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. -- Premiere collector's issue, Feb. 1997. See ESP pp. 112-119.
  9. "36!24!36! Dick!" -- Warren Times Observer TV Times listing for April 22, 1998
  10. "Heaven, I'm in heaven!" -- Best acceptance speech, Oscar night, 1998

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