Random Thoughts for St. Patrick's Eve

by Steven H. Cullinane on March 16, 2001

"I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
-- Daisy Buchanan in Chapter I of The Great Gatsby

"Thanks for the tip, American Dream."
--Spider-Girl, in Vol. 1, No. 30, March 2001

"Previous winners have included... Akira Kurosawa... and mathematician Andre Weil."
-- Harvard University Gazette, July 11, 1996, "Quine Wins Kyoto Prize"

"This platonic person discovered a soul in the world
And studied it in his holiday hotel.
He was a Jew from Europe or might have been."
-- Wallace Stevens, "The Pure Good of Theory," 1945

Andre Weil died on August 6, 1998 -- The Feast of the Transfiguration.
-- S. H. Cullinane, 3/16/01

"The letter killeth."
-- St. Paul, II Corinthians Chapter 3, Verse 6:
The morning lesson for The Feast of the Transfiguration, August 6,
according to The Book of Common Prayer, Seabury Press, 1953

"Ye see how large a letter I have written...."
-- St. Paul, Galatians Chapter 6, Verse 11

One year ago, on March 16, 2000, the bombardier of Hiroshima died.
At about 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945, he dropped the A-bomb.
-- S. H. Cullinane, 3/16/01

"Here are some lines from the Gita that I like very much...."
-- Andre Weil, April 1999 A.M.S. Notices, page 454

"Of orators, I am the speech;
of letters the first one, A;
I am imperishable time;
the Creator whose face is everywhere;
death that devours all things."
-- Bhagavad Gita 10.32-33, translated by Stephen Mitchell, Harmony Books, 2000

"Quite a lot has been written about F. Scott Fitzgerald's use of color in The Great Gatsby. Can anyone give me an example?"
-- Anonymous teacher in Spider-Girl, Vol. 1, No. 30, March 2001

"Gatsby believed in the green light... "
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald, April 10, 1925

"Why did the Pole
spend all night
outside the whorehouse?
He was waiting for
the red light
to turn green."
-- Blanche Knott, Truly Tasteless Jokes,
Ballantine Books, 1982

"Jesus hits like an atom bomb."
-- Theme song of the 1990 film
"Waiting for the Light," directed by
Christopher Monger

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